OLD TIME RADIO - 2 CD - 125 mp3 - Total Playtime: 54:44:47

Radio broadcasting began in South Africa in 1923. The SABC was established in 1936 through an Act of Parliament, and replaced the previous state-controlled African Broadcasting Corporation, formed in 1927, which was dissolved in the same year. It was a state monopoly for many years, and was controlled by the government. During National Party rule from 1948 onwards, it came under increasing criticism and accusations of being biased towards the then ruling party. At one time most of its senior management were members of the Broederbond, the Afrikaner secret society and later drawn from institutions like Stellenbosch University. It was also known officially in Afrikaans as Suid-Afrikaanse Uitsaaikorporasie (SAUK), but this term is now only used by the SABC when referring to the Corporation in the spoken word on SABC2's Afrikaans TV news and on the Afrikaans radio station RSG. Although, the Afrikaans newscasts on SABC2 uses SABC Nuus instead of SAUK Nuus. The term is also still widely used by Afrikaans print media.
The SABC was a Radio service, as television was only introduced into South Africa in the 1970s. There were three main SABC radio stations: The English Service, the Afrikaans Service and the commercial station, Springbok Radio. Programs on the English and Afrikaans services mainly consisted of the news, radio plays, such as "The Forsyte Saga", "Story of an African Farm", "The Summons" written and produced in South Africa, serious talk shows, BBC radio shows, children's programming, such as Sound Box, light music broadcasts featuring South African talent, such as orchestras, arrangers, musicians and singers. The most renowned orchestral arrangers were Art Heatlie, Gerry Bosman, Dan Hill and Rollo Scott, head of the SABC music department. Accomplished musicians such as Kenny Higgins and pianist and composer, Charles Segal were featured on all three stations on a regular basis in shows like "Piano Playtime" and accordionist Nico Carstens was a regular on the Afrikaans programs. Springbok Radio was a bilingual commercial station, featuring a wide variety of programming, such as morning talk and news, game shows, soap operas, children's programming, music request programs, top-ten music, talent shows and other musical entertainment and comedy shows such as the very popular Saturday noontime show, "Telefun Time", where comedians like Steve Segal would phone various people and conjure up situation comedy. Telefun Time was similar to the USA shows, Candid Camera and, much later, Punk'd.
Until 1979, the SABC also operated broadcasting services in Namibia, which was then under South African rule, but in that year, these were transferred to the South West African Broadcasting Corporation (SWABC). This, in turn, became the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) after the country's independence in 1990.
Disc 1
33 Half Moon Street - A Kitten for Mr Katz
33 Half Moon Street - Chips for the Fish Monger
33 Half Moon Street - Parsons Pride
Address Unknown - Anthony Atwell
Address Unknown - Charles Denton
Address Unknown - Charlie Porter
Afrikaans Cobus Robinson Skota Patoors
Afrikaans Staal Burger En Die Dodelike Dokter
Airport International
Beyond Midnight - Harry
Beyond Midnight - Paxtons House
Beyond Midnight - Short Circuit
Boer War - The End Of The Boer War
Boer War - The First Boer War
Boer War - The Second Boer War
Call Back The Past - 1879
Call Back The Past - 1900
Call Back The Past - 1903
Call Back The Past - 1911
Carling Collection 1
Carling Collection 2
Carling Collection 3
Castle Lager Sports Quiz Frag
Challenge of Space - Another Galaxy
Challenge of Space - The Centauries
Challenge of Space - Where Was Atlantis
Comedy Caravan
Comedy With Shelly Berman
Darryl Jooste Miemps & Wouter
Deadline Thursday Night
Death Touched My Shoulder 66 Bridge Awash
Epic Casebook - Death Among The Sleepers
Epic Casebook - The Threads Of Death
Fab Show The Generation Gap
Father, Dear Father Bikini On Account
Father, Dear Father Magazine Questionnaire
Hidden Truth - Safe Deposit Box (aka Missing Lock Box)
Hidden Truth - The Denture (aka Stewart Hall)
High Adventure - Critical Point
High Adventure - Fireflies And Gunfire
High Adventure - The Man Who Couldn't Change
Hospitaal tyd
In Sounds Malcomb Gooding
Kelly Tyres Sport Star Of The Week
Kosinski & Clancy Medical File Day They Burned The City
Lux Radio Theatre - Detectives Are Not Always Right
Lux Radio Theatre - Sacred Flame
Lux Radio Theatre - Sound Of Murder
Lux Radio Theatre - You're Not The Woman I Married
Medical File - Life In The Dark
Medical File - That People Might See
Mirror Of The Mind - Fleur De Lise
Mirror Of The Mind - Music Box
Mirror Of The Mind - The War
Mirror Of The Mind
Moon over Africa - Jungle Trance
Moon over Africa - The Atlantis Quest
Moon over Africa - The Talking Head
Music of the Stars - Eric Cordell
Music, Various - Eric Cordell
Navy Lark - On The Beach
Navy Lark - Stamps
Navy Lark - Train Journey
Disc 2
Night Surgeon - Car Accident
Night Surgeon - Confessor Of Crimes
Night Surgeon - Mrs Warren Is Blackmailed
Night Surgeon - Woman With Amnesia
Nightbeat - Last Show The Bill Talmidge Story
Nightbeat - Stone's Christmas Eve
Nightbeat - The Carfullest Driver
Nightbeat - The White Zombie
No Place To Hide - Operation Oblivion
On Safari - Crossed Sticks
On Safari - Francis McComber (First Episode)
On Safari - The Bullet
Only If It's Fatal You'll Die Laughing
Pip Freedman Show
Playhouse 72 - A Small Matter of Elimination
Playhouse 74 - Triangle With Bells
Playhouse 75 - A Case of Checkmate
Playhouse 82 - The Unguarded Hour
Playhouse 90 - Cassius Touch
Probe Episodes 112
Radio Theater - A Gentleman's Sport
Radio Theater - A Woman Alone
Radio Theater - Blessington Letters
Rod Steele Standin For Murder
Sexton Blake Detective The Enchanted Editor
SF 68 - Survival
SF 68 - The Death Dust
SF 68 - The Last Rites
Silver Jubilee 1o4
Silver Jubilee 2o4
Silver Jubilee 3o4
Silver Jubilee 4o4
Skip Show 21
Sounds Of Darkness - Call Crazy
Sounds Of Darkness - The Last Round
Sounds Of Darkness - The Neiman Principle
Sounds Of Darkness - Traitor Beware (First Episode, 1st Season)
Squad Cars - Burglary Alert
Squad Cars - Oil Drum Case
Squad Cars - Pirelto's Pursuit
Suspense - I'm No Hero
Suspense - Ransom
Suspense - Something Short Of Murder
Suspense - The Position
Tales From The Seven Seas - The Man Who Made Knives
Tales Of Antiquity (bad Fade At End)
Tales Of Antiquity
Tales Of The Supernatural - I Shall Rise Again
Test The Team 1
Test The Team 2
The Destined Hour
The Finger Of Fate
The Inheritors 1 Thru 4
The Inheritors 5 Thru 8
The Marriage Game
The Uninvited Old Debts
Two's Company
Walk Softly, Peter Troy - The Blonde With The Delicate Air
Walk Softly, Peter Troy - The Repentant Red-Head
Wheels 1
Wheels 2
Win Place Or Show - With Teddie Marr
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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 06 June, 2014.