OLD TIME RADIO - 1 CD - 76 mp3 - Total Playtime: 30:19:58

Mystery is my Hobby ran from 1947 to 1948 and was played before a live audience as Barton Drake is continuously getting into sticky situations. Drake tells the stories in the first person and made the show very well received.
First aired between 1945 and 1947, "Mystery is My Hobby" (which Mutual originally broadcast as "Murder is My Hobby") is a good example of a typical mystery series from radio’s "golden age". Glenn Langan stars as mystery writer Barton Drake, author of both short stories and a series of best-selling anthology books. Drake is a well-spoken sophisticate, fascinated by the ways of the criminal mind, and is intrigued by mysteries the same way that other hobbyists - ornithologists, for instance - are intrigued with birds. His stories and books have given him a comfortable income, allowing him to freely pursue the details of whatever new case or crime may come his way - and come they do, on a weekly basis, with a seemingly endless array of robberies, shootings, suspicious deaths, damsels in distress, and unsolved murders to occupy his time and fascinate his interests. (One can't help but wonder if, after 39 weeks in which every knock at the door, phone call, or chance encounter led to some form of mayhem or bloodshed, the poor fellow wasn't tempted to lock the door, turn off the phone, and hide under his bed -- if only to get some relief!)
An urbane mixture of Ellery Queen and Philo Vance (with a surfeit of Boston Blackie thrown in for good measure), Barton Drake is a pleasant, friendly, and knowledgeable fellow who is always willing to assist both perfect strangers and the police in solving some mystery or other, if only to fill his need for serviceable story plots. Some of his cases deal with the solutions to impossible crimes - dead men committing murder, for instance - but the majority are bread-and-butter for a radio detective: basically, who's dead, whodunit, and how’d they do it? In the programs, lead Glenn Langan is assisted by many of the "usual suspects" - the top character actors of Radio Row - including such talents as Norman Field, Ken Christy, Betty Lou Gerson, Willard Waterman, Junius Matthews, and Jack Edwards Jr.
For modern audiences, used to watching graphic and bloody violence while dining off a TV tray in front of the tube, "Mystery Is My Hobby" may seem a bit tame in comparison. But for those who enjoy hearing the details of an intriguing crime full of twists, turns, and drama, the series remains a pleasant and captivating way to spend a half-hour or so in your personal "theater of the mind". This collection offers twenty programs from the series - all original Mutual Radio Network broadcasts later reedited for syndication. You'll find no commercials in these shows, but you’ll find plenty of blackmail, suicide, theft, deception, poisoning, mystery, mayhem, and murder. Truly, who could ask for a more wholesome package of radio entertainment?
001 Allen Fisher is Murdered
002 Monica Feels Threatened
003 Snowbound
004 Dude Ranch
005 Murder in the Ring
006 Who Killed David Austin
007 Murder Bound
008 Short Distance to Murder
009 Blackmail
010 Walking Corpse
011 Death in Mark Adrians Studio
013 Shots at Curtis Window
014 Eternal Triangle
015 Waiting Game
016 Clearing Peter Wade
018 Mystery of the Burning Light
019 Arthur Gideons Memoirs
020 Phony Husband
021 Cinderella for a Day
022 Mink Coat
023 Stella Dix is Murdered
024 Hit Plan Gone Astray
025 Murder at Asa Clarks House
027 Woman Shoots Self
028 Andrew Bradford Runs for Gov
028 Ex-Con Candidate
031 Ben Cramer
032 Chris Pomeroy
033 Sally Anders is Murdered
034 Uncle Howards Treasure Map
035 Murder at the Arnold House
037 Death of an Old Prospector
039 Fishing Trip Ends in Murder
040 Voice of Doom
041 Fugitive Brother
042 Feuding Radio Comedians
043 Stephanie Brent Murdered
045 Body in the Trunk
045 John Crain Murder
046 Morini & the Formula
047 Hudson Family Deaths
048 Coin Collector Mystery
048 Murder With a Boomerang
049 Tom Torelli
051 Estelle Wainwright
072 Engaged to Death
112 Two Hours to Live
114 Bullets Make Holes
116 Death is a Twin
117 Murder Can Sometimes Be Pleasant
118 Death Paints With Purple
122 Death Buys Flowers
123 Death Speaks With 10 Fingers
126 471119 Death Asks Questions
127 471126 Death is a Grain of Sand
129 Death Has Blue Eyes
130 Death Has a Hot Foot
133 480107 Death Loses the Body
134 Death Goes Before Pride
135 Death Writes an Epitath
Buried Treasure Map
Case of 65 Women
Death at Deadline
Death is One and Three
Faithless Wife
Gold Prospector
K O'Brown
Kid Brown is Ko'd
Millionaire Threatened
Mining Engineer Accused Murder
Murder at a Magic Show
Oil King Murdered
Stolen Rembrandts
Ticket to Murder
Wife Poisoned
Wife Thinks Husband Trying Kill Her
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This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 09 June, 2012.