OLD TIME RADIO - 1 DVD - 426 mp3 - Total Playtime: 145:49:05

Big Band Remote (aka dance band remote) was a remote broadcast, popular on radio during the 1930s and 1940s, involving a coast-to-coast live transmission of a big band.
As early as 1923, listeners could tune in The Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. The Oriole Orchestra (Dan Russo and Ted Fio Rito) was performing at Chicago's Edgewater Beach Hotel when they did their first radio remote broadcast on March 29, 1924, and two years later, they opened the famous Aragon Ballroom in July 1926, doing radio remotes nationally from both the Aragon and the Trianon Ballrooms.
Broadcasts were usually transmitted by the major radio networks directly from hotels, ballrooms, restaurants and clubs. During World War II, the remote locations expanded to include military bases and defense plants. Band remotes mostly originated in major cities, including Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Chicago. The Chicago broadcasts featured bands headed by Count Basie, Frankie Carle, Duke Ellington, Jan Garber, Jerry Gray, Woody Herman, Earl Hines, Eddy Howard (from the Aragon Ballroom), Dick Jurgens, Kay Kyser (from the Blackhawk Restaurant), Coon-Sanders Original Nighthawk Orchestra (from the Blackhawk), Ted Weems, Shep Fields (from the Palmer House) and Griff Williams.
Air National Guard Show with Russ Morgan & Rosemary Clooney
Al Overand 480603 - Starlight Billings Montana
Al Overend - Skyline Club 01
Al Trace - Blackhawk Restaurant, Chicago, IL
Andy Kirk 370206 - Trianon Ballroom Cleveland
Anson Weeks 310121 - You Try Somebody Else
Anson Weeks 310310 - Dancing on the Ceiling
Anson Weeks 31xxxx - Good Night Little Girl, Good Night
Anson Weeks 31xxxx - Your Blasè
Anson Weeks 320109 - Lazy Day
Anson Weeks 320204 - What Price Love
Anson Weeks 320224 - I'll See You Again
Anson Weeks 320421 - You're My Everything
Anson Weeks 32xxxx - Love Me Tonight
Anson Weeks 3xxxxx - Everybody says I Love You
Art Kassel xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Art Kassel xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 02
Art Kassel xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 03
Artie Shaw (Best of Live Broadcasts) 1939-1943 Part 001
Artie Shaw (Best of Live Broadcasts) 1939-1943 Part 002
Artie Shaw (Best of Live Broadcasts) 1939-1943 Part 003
Artie Shaw 381125 - Hotel Lincoln
Artie Shaw 381206 - Hotel Lincoln
Artie Shaw 38xxxx - Hotel Lincoln
Artie Shaw 390118 - Hotel Lincoln
Artie Shaw 390819 - Ritz Carlton, Boston, MA
B A Rolfe 340626 - First Song -
B A Rolfe 340629 - First Song - Gotta Get up and Go to Work
B A Rolfe 340702 - First Song -
B A Rolfe 340704 - First Song - It's a Swingy Little Thingy
Back From Far East USO Tour
Battle of the Bands with Barnet, Herman & Kenton 1949-07-30.
Ben Pollack WBS Remote from the Summer of 1930
Benny Goodman 350100 - Location Unknown
Benny Goodman 351223 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360103 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360106 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360110 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360113 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360120 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360203 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360210 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 360217 - Congress Hotel, Chicago
Benny Goodman 370824 - Swing School
Benny Goodman 370831 Camel Caravan
Benny Goodman 371020 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371021 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371023 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371026 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371027 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371030 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371104 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371106 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371113 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371120 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371122 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371125 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371218 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 371222 - Manhattan Room
Benny Goodman 410810 - Hotel Sherman, Chicago, NBC
Benny Goodman 410810 NBC Remote-Chicago Panther Room
Benny Goodman 430700 - Hotel Astor NYC
Benny Goodman 440731 on For The Record
Benny Goodman and the Camel Caravan
Benny Goodman At The Hotel Pennsylvania
Benny Goodman One Night Stand
Bernie Cummins xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Bill Snyder 440607 - Drake Hotel Chicago
Billy Bishop xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Bob Connor
Bob Crosby and Eileen Barton 1
Bob Crosby and Eileen Barton 2
Bob Crosby and Eileen Barton 3
Bob Crosby on Ford V8 Revue 1936 (It's You I'm Talking About
Bob Crosby on Ford V8 Revue 1936 (Muskrat Ramble)
Bob Crosby on Ford V8 Revue 1936 (Oh My Goodness)
Bob Crosby on Ford V8 Revue 1936 (Some Changes Made)
Bob Crosby on Swingtime #61
Boyd Raeburn from Hollywoods Club Morocco 1947
Bunny Berigan 37xxxx - Norge Program
Bunny Berigan 390926 - Manhattan Center, NYC
Cab Calloway 400727 - The Meadowbrook
Cab Calloway 450611 - Club Zanzibar NYC
Carlton Hayes xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Caroll Gibbons 1934 (I Wish I Were Twins)
Caroll Gibbons 1934 (Who Do You Think You Are)
CBS Presents Tex Beneke & Glenn Miller Orch-46-08-11
CBS Presents Tex Beneke & Glenn Miller Orch-46-09-13
Charlie Barnet 1944-06-03
Charlie Barnet 460326 - 400 Club Restaurant NYC
Charlie Barnet 481122 - Bunny
Charlie Barnet on Downbeat #140
Charlie Parker Quintet 530614 - Hi-Hat Club, Boston
Chet Baker 540316 - Storyville Boston
Chick Webb 390210 - Cocanut Grove NYC
Claude Thornhill on NBC Bandstand 1956-08-24
Claude Thornhill Remote from Cafe Rouge 1947-09-22
Cliff & Lolly, The Nuts of Harmony 1930-07-13
Columbia Presents Archie Blyer & Joan Brooks 1944-06-07
Columbia Presents Bill Snyder-Chicago Drake Hotel 44-06-07
Columbia Presents Charlie Barnet 48-11-22
Columbia Presents Harry James-New York Astor Hotel-44-06-07
Count Basie - From Avadon Stepn Fetchin
Count Basie - On Downbeat #145
Count Basie - Remote from the Los Angeles Avadon Ballroom
Count Basie 380706
Count Basie 400220 - From Southland Ebony Rhapsody
Count Basie 440604 - One Night Stand 269 Hotel Lincoln
Count Basie 450129 - Just After Awhile
Count Basie 530101 - From Birdland
Count Basie 530106 - From Birdland
Count Basie 530108 - From Birdland
Count Basie 530113 - From Birdland
Count Basie 530208 - Blue Note, Chicago NBC
Count Basie 541216 - From Birdland 5th Anniversary
Count Basie 551106 - From Birdland
Count Basie 561230 - From Birdland
Count Basie 570210 - From Birdland
Count Basie 671231 - on CBS 40th Anniversary Dancie Party
Dale Jones on CBS Presents-Hollywood Palladium-44-06-07
Del Courtney - Remote Broadcast 01
Dick Jurgens 460626 - From Hotel Clairmont
Dick Jurgens 500800 - Aragon Ballroom Chicago
Dick Jurgens 501200 WBBM Remote-Chicago Aragon Ballroom
Dick Jurgens on The Songs That Made Them Famous
Dick Jurgens on Yank Bandstand #11
Dick Jurgens on Yank Bandstand (It Had to be You)
Dick Jurgens on Yank Swing Session #82
Dick Jurgens on Yank Swing Session #86
Dick Jurgens Remote from the Hotel Clairemont
Dick Jurgens Remote from Willow Brook
Dick Jurgens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Dick Jurgens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 02
Don Ross Trio on Harmony Matinee 1946-05-23
Eddie Fitzpatrick xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Eddie Howard 451205 - Aragon Ballroom, Chicago
Eddie Howard 550900 - Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, AFRS
Eddie Howard xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Eddie Howard xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 02
Eddie Howard xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 03
Eddie Howard xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 04
Duke Ellington 370318 - Cotton Club
Duke Ellington 390726 - From Ritz- Carleton Boston
Duke Ellington 401107 - Fargo, N.D
Duke Ellington 451000 - New Zanzibar NYC
Duke Ellington 470900 - From Meadowbrook
Duke Ellington 481106 - Remote from Union College
Duke Ellington 520806 - Blue Note
Duke Ellington 530624 - Blue Note, Chicago, NBC
Duke Ellington 701231 All- Star Parade of Bands
Earl Hines 380803 - Grand Terrace, Chicago NBC
Eddie Bergman 510622 - From Coconut Grove
Eddie Condon's Town Hall Jazz Concert 1944-09-09
Edens Shampoo College Sorority Dance-Freddie Martin-33-03-00
Edmundo Ross on the BBC-early 1960's (Cuban Love Song)
Ella Fitzgerald Remote-New York Roseland Ballroom-40-02-16
Ella Fitzgerald Remote-New York Roseland Ballroom-40-02-26
Ella Fitzgerald Remote-New York Roseland Ballroom-40-03-04
Erskine Hawkins 400304 - Savoy Ballroom
Fats Waller 1938-07-06 (Hold My Hand)
Fats Waller 1938-10-08 (You Can't Be Mine)
Fats Waller 1938-10-14 (Hold My Hand)
Fats Waller 1940-12-07 from the Panther Room
Fletcher Henderson 450900 Magic Carpet
For The Record 440731
Frankie Carle 500812 - Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago
Frankie Carle xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Frankie Masters on Showtime 1947-01-26
Fred Waring - First Song - Jingle Bells
Fred Waring - New York. First Song Wedding of the Painted Doll
Freddy Martin 33xxxx
Freddy Martin 490613 - From Edgewater Beach Hotel
Freddy Martin Remote from the Mural Room 1
Freddy Martin Remote from the Mural Room 2
Freddy Nagel 470624 - From Empire Room Chgo
Freddy Nagel 470712 - From Empire Room Chgo
Freddy Nagel 470921 - From Empire Room Chgo
Friendly Five Footnotes 31xxxx - Episode 10
Gay Claridge xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Gene Krupa 381128 - Remote from Palomar
Gene Krupa 400131 - From Meadowbrook
Gene Krupa 400205 - From Meadowbrook
Gene Krupa 450815 - Hotel Astor
Glen Gray & Casa Loma Orchestra 4003xx - Meadowbrook
Glen Miller at the Cafe Rogue 1
Glen Miller at the Cafe Rogue 2
Glen Miller at the Cafe Rogue 3
Glen Miller at the Cafe Rogue 4
Glen Miller at the Cafe Rogue 5
Glen Miller Sunset Serenade
Glen Miller The Chesterfield Show 1
Glen Miller The Chesterfield Show 2
Glenn Miller 380618 - Live at the Paradise Restaurant
Glenn Miller 380620 - Live at the Paradise Restaurant
Glenn Miller 380625 - Live at the Paradise Restaurant
Glenn Miller 380627 - Live at the Paradise Restaurant
Glenn Miller 381213 - Location Unknown
Glenn Miller 381223 - Live at the Paradise Restaurant
Glenn Miller 381230 - Live at the Paradise Restaurant
Glenn Miller 390106 - Live at the Paradise Restaurant
Glenn Miller 390308 - Live at the Meadowbrook - 10 Min
Glenn Miller 390326 - Live at the Meadowbrook
Glenn Miller 390329 - Live at the Meadowbrook
Glenn Miller 390331 - Live at the Meadowbrook
Glenn Miller 390404 - Live at the Meadowbrook
Glenn Miller 390517 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390600 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390613 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390619 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390620 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390630 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390714 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390720 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390724 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390726 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390728 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 390800 - Glenn Island Casino, New Rochelle, NY
Glenn Miller 391116 - Live at the Meadowbrook
Glenn Miller 391123 - Live at the Meadowbrook
Glenn Miller 391205 - Live from Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, NJ
Glenn Miller 391207 - Live from Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, NJ
Glenn Miller 400104 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 400105 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 400106 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 400205 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 400213 - Snippet Unknown Location 2 Min 41 Sec
Glenn Miller 400304 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 400403 - Times Square 13.5 Min
Glenn Miller 400404 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 400613 - Civic Theater, Chicago, IL 13 Min
Glenn Miller 400710A - Snippet Unknown Location 1 Min 26 Sec
Glenn Miller 400710B - Snippet Unknown Location 3 Min 19 Sec
Glenn Miller 400710C - Snippet Unknown Location 3 Min 33 Sec
Glenn Miller 400710D - Snippet Unknown Location 2 Min 37 Sec
Glenn Miller 400925 - Location Unknown 5 Min 10 Sec
Glenn Miller 401018 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 401025 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 401101 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 401104 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 401106 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 401119 - Chesterfield's Moonlight Serenade
Glenn Miller 401119 - Location Unknown
Glenn Miller 401127 - Chesterfield's Moonlight Serenade
Glenn Miller 401127 - Location Unknown
Glenn Miller 401228 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 410122 - Location Unknown 2 Min 28 Sec
Glenn Miller 410220 - Location Unknown 1 Min 45 Sec
Glenn Miller 410423 - Location Unknown 2 Min 24 Sec
Glenn Miller 410522 - Location Unknown 2 Min 27 Sec
Glenn Miller 410830
Glenn Miller 411103 - Salutes Army Base at Trinidad
Glenn Miller 411113 - Location Unknown 3 Min 18 Sec
Glenn Miller 411122 - Cafe Rouge
Glenn Miller 411224
Glenn Miller 420000 - Promo Featuring Glenn Miller
Glenn Miller 420625 - Chesterfield Show
Glenn Miller 420625 - Miller Interview Ray Eberly 1 Min 48 Sec
Glenn Miller 420625
Glenn Miller 420630 - Chesterfield's Moonlight Serenade 3 Min 52 Sec
Glenn Miller 420714 - Chesterfield Show
Glenn Miller 420714
Glenn Miller 420716
Glenn Miller 420818 - Chesterfield Show
Glenn Miller 420825 - Snippet Unknown Location 2 Min 37 Sec
Glenn Miller 420922 - Location Unknown 3 Min 2 Sec
Glenn Miller 420923 - Chesterfield Show
Glenn Miller 420924 - Chesterfield Show
Glenn Miller 431211 - The Band of the AAF Training Command
Glenn Miller 440205 - The Band of the AAF Training Command
Glenn Miller 440212 - The Band of the AAF Training Command
Glenn Miller 440212 - Uncle Sam Presents AEF Band
Glenn Miller 440318 - The Band of the AAF Training Command
Glenn Miller 440727 - Allied Expeditionary Forces
Glenn Miller 440900 - BBC Interview
Glenn Miller 441100 - On German Radio
Glenn Miller 441216 - BBC Announces Disappearance
Glenn Miller 471208 - Tex Beneke and The Miller Orch Perform on Here's to the Vets
Golf Match at Hillcrest Country Club
Gordon Gray 1939-01-18
Griff Williams 470305 - Palmer House, Chicago WGN
Gus Arnheim & His Orchestra 1932 (It's Love)
Gus Arnheim 1932 (You Really Started Something)
Guy Lombardo 350001 - Sponsored by Esso
Guy Lombardo 360209 - The Magic Key
Guy Lombardo 721231 - New Year's Eve
Guy Lombardo Remote from the Royal Grill
Guy Lombardo xxxxxx - First Song - It's a Lovely Day Today
Guy Lombardo xxxxxx - First Song - Nevertheless, I'm In Love with You
Guy Lombardo xxxxxx - First Song - Those Old Records
Guy Lombardo xxxxxx - First Song - Use Your Imagination
Guy Lombardo xxxxxx - My Darling, I Love You So
Hal Kemp 340001
Hal Kemp 340002
Hal Kemp 351100 On the Macy Morning Show
Hal Kemp xxxxxx - Griffen Shinola Show
Harry Owens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 06
Harry James 400000 - Remote-Chatterbox Club
Harry James 400319 - Live at Southland Cafe
Harry James 411200 - Hotel Lincoln
Harry James 411201 - Hotel Lincoln
Harry James 411208 - Hotel Lincoln
Harry James 430501 - War Bond Drive Central Park
Harry James 440820 - Casino Gardens
Harry James 450600 - Pabst Blue Ribbon 1945-06-XX
Harry James 450608 - Pabst Blue Ribbon
Harry James 451231 - New Years Dance Party
Harry James 460630 - Asbury Park, NJ Convention Ctr
Harry James 531002 - Aragon Ballroom, Chicago
Harry Owens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Harry Owens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 02
Harry Owens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 03
Harry Owens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 04
Harry Owens xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 05
Henry Russell xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Horace Heidt 510000 - Finals
Horace Heidt 530000 - With Mark Durbin
Horace Heidt 530924 - Billings
Horace Heidt xxxxxx - Des Monies
Horace Heidt xxxxxx - Ft Worth
Horace Heidt xxxxxx - New York
Jan Gerber - Biltmore Ballroom in LA Long After Tonight
Jan Gerber - For Heaven Sake
Jan Gerber - Nobody But You
Jan Gerber - WGN Remote from Melody Hill 1950
Jerry Gray 510608 - Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, NBC
Jimmy Dorsey at the Hollywood Paladium
Jimmy Featherstone - Remote Broadcast 01
Jimmy Featherstone - Remote Broadcast
Jo Stafford for American Heart
Joe Sanders and His Nighthawks 370325 - Blackhawk Restaurant, Chicago, MBS
Kay Kayser 34xxxx
Kay Kyser 370206 Mutual Remote-Chicago Trianon Ballroom
Larry Clinton 381115 - International Casino NYC
Lawrence Welk xxxxxx - 8 Minute Clip
Lawrence Welk xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Lenny Herman Quintet xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Lenny Herman - Remote Broadcast 01
Louis Armstrong
Manny Strand on CBSPresents 1944-06-07
Mildred Bailey Show with T Wilson & R Norvo 44-10-20
Music In The Foster Fashion with Chuck Foster 1944-11-26
Music In The Foster Fashion with Chuck Foster
National Guard Armory Show 59-05-02 (B Morrow & R Clooney)
National Guard Armory Show 59-05-09 with R Clooney
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - A Be Casent
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - A Size 37 Suit
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Alice Blue Gown
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Careless
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Ive Got My Eyes On You
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Leanin' On The Old Top Rail
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Make Believe Dance
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Poor Girl
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Rich Interlude
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 40xxxx - Shake Down The Stars
Ozzie Nelson Orchestra 4xxxxx - Says My Heart
Ozzie Nelson Remote from Blackhawk Ballroom 40-03-24
Ozzie Nelson Remote from Blackhawk Ballroom 40-03-30
Paul Neighbors xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Paul Neighbors xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 02
Paul Neighbors xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 03
Paul Neighbors xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 04
Paul Neighbors xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 05
Paul Whiteman BLUE Network Open House Party 43-04-10
Paul Whiteman on Kraft Music Hall 1933-11-30
Paul Whiteman on Kraft Music Hall 1933-12-14
Paul Whiteman on Kraft Music Hall 1933-12-28
Paul Whiteman on Kraft Music Hall 1934-01-04
Paul Whiteman Presents with Lou Holtz 1943-07-18
Phil Harris Orchestra 32xxxx - Exerts from the Coconut Grove
Ralph Flanagan on NBC Bandstand 1956-08-30
Ralph Flanagan on NBC Bandstand 1956-10-26
Ralph Flanagan xxxxxx - Apple Blossom Time
Ray Anthony Show 1
Ray Anthony Show 2
Ray Eberle 470718 - From Clique
Ray Herbeck & His Romantic Music-Mural Room 45-04-28
Red Nichols Remote from Sardi's Restaurant 1950-10-28
Roy Eldridge 390805 - Arcadia Ballroom NYC
Russ Columbo 340715 - NBC Broadcast
Russ Morgan 000000 - Remote Broadcast 01
Russ Morgan 381014 - Paradise Rest Love of My Life
Russ Morgan 450118 - From Trocodero When You Left Me
Russ Morgan 450903 - From Trocadero
Russ Morgan 470714 - From Biltmore Bowl. 1st Half
Sammy Kaye 390606 - Melody Showcase Audition Program
Sammy Kaye 400610 - Sensations in Swing
Sammy Kaye 411207 - Sunday Serenade
Sandy De Santis 38xxxx - Jam Session CBC
Shep Fields 441201 Twilight Time
Shep Fields 530000 Concert Recording
Sherman Hayes xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Sherman Hayes xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 02
Shorty Sherock 450807 - At Glen Island Casino
Sound Off Top Tunes 346 1944-08-14
Sound Off Top Tunes 414 (Heat Wave)
Stan Kenton 410900
Stan Kenton 451127 - From Palladium Artistry Jump
Stan Kenton 451200 - From Hollywood Palladium
Stan Kenton 530203 - Concert in Miniature Vancouver
Stan Kenton All Star Parade of Bands (Frivolous Sal)
Stan Kenton All Star Parade of Bands (Swing House)
Ted Dill Remote
Ted Dill xxxxxx - The Touch of Your Hand
Ted Lewis Remote from San Franciscos Crossroads
Ted Weems 37-02-10 Trianon Ballroom Chicago MBS
Teddy Powell Remote
Tide Show with F Devoll, G Simms & J Smith 52-06-10
Tommy Dorsey 400224 - Meadowbrook, Cedar Grove, NJ
Tommy Dorsey 401126 - Palladium Ballroom Cafe, Hollywood
Tommy Dorsey 420818 - Capitol Theater, Washington
Tommy Dorsey 430623 - Rebroadcast by the Special Service Division
Tommy Dorsey and Rita Hayworth
Tommy Dorsey with Frank Sinatra
Turkey Dreams
Wayne King xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 01
Wayne King xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 02
Wayne King xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 03
Wayne King xxxxxx - Remote Broadcast 04
Will Osborne 481011 - Edgewater Beach Hotel Chicago
Woody Herman 400107 - Famous Door Choppin Wood
Woody Herman 450327 CBS Remote-Chicago College Inn Hotel
Woody Herman 490709 - Balboa
Woody Herman 490723 - Balboa
Woody Herman on Downbeat
Xavier Cugat Remote 1945-01-26
Yank Swing Session - AFRS Program 86
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