OLD TIME RADIO - 1 CD - 59 mp3 - Total Playtime: 25:52:42

The programs on this mp3 CD are made up entirely of material that was broadcast on all of the major networks at the time the U.S. was drawn into war by the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, with a smattering of some independent locally produced shows from cities around the country. The primary focus is on December 7, 1941, the day of the attack, and the remainder of the CD follows the repercussions of that event as they played out through the end of December, 1941.
00-WORLD TODAY_1941-12-06:
CBS Network. This one serves as kind of a prelude. It features John Daly in New York, with Robert Trout in London, Ford Wilkins in Manila, and Albert Warner in Washington. In it's reports you get a feel for the tensions in the Pacific area on the day before the Pearl Harbor attack. (14:40)
2:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. Sammy's usual relaxing music program for a Sunday afternoon. At this point the Pearl Harbor attack had been going on for about an hour but there were no bulletins as yet. (28:41)
2:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. The beginning of the program is cut off by the first announcement of the Pearl Harbor attack. Then the experiences of Canada as a nation at war for two years are discussed with George Britnell: the economic advisor to the wartime prices and trade board of the dominion of Canada, John MacCormack: Canadian correspondent of the New York Times and Neal H. Jacoby: professor of finance at the University of Chicago. (29:21)
03-WORLD TODAY_1941-12-07:
2:30 p.m./CBS Network. The first real in-depth analysis of the attacks in the Pacific are here with John Daly in New York, Albert Warner in Washington, Robert Trout in London, military expert Major George Fielding Elliot, Ford Wilkins in Manila and Elmer Davis in New York. (29:10)
04-CHATS ABOUT DOGS_1941-12-07:
3:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. Right before the show starts H.V. Kaltenborn gives a quick minute summary of what is known up to this point. Then Bob Becker talks about dog health and nutrition and a story is presented about how a dog helped catch a thief. (14:12)
3:00 p.m./CBS Network. This is just the highlight of the program that contained news bulletins. Air check is from WCCO in Minneapolis. During the first act of the concert there were two interruptions for news bulletins by John Daly. Then at the intermission a news summary is presented with Daly and Albert Warner and Major George Fielding Elliot. (17:22)
06-HV KALTENBORN_1941-12-07:
3:15 p.m./NBC Red Network. Kaltenborn's regular 3:15 news show is dedicated to giving a summary of the Japanese attacks at Pearl Harbor and also throughout the Pacific as it was then being learned. (14:08)
07-LISTEN AMERICA_1941-12-07:
3:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. Billed as the "dramatic, living newspaper of a nation on the march", the guests include the cast of radio program "Big Sister" and movie actor Warren Williams. The program is interrupted 3 times with news bulletins. (28:27)
08-NATIONAL VESPERS_1941-12-07:
4:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. Religious songs and a sermon by Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick called "Finding Unfailing Resources". He doesn't get far into the sermon before being interrupted for a lengthy newsbreak with reports from Honolulu (which is amazingly interrupted by a telephone operator asking the Honolulu correspondent to get off the line for an emergency call) and a report from H.R. Baukhage in Washington. The program returns again briefly before being interrupted again for more news from Baukhage in Washington again. (29:53)
4:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. This news program took the place of the regularly scheduled Olivia Santoro show. It features reports from London, Upton Close in San Francisco, a report from Honolulu, and in the Washington studios Senators Albert B. Thomas of Utah and Walter F. George of Georgia, and Representative Luther A. Johnson of Texas. (25:57)
5:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. Two young opera singers are given on-the-air auditions for the Metropolitan Opera of New York. Half way through the program it is cut short by a news interruption with Upton Close (who was very insightful this day) from San Francisco, Ford Wilkins in Manila (apparently NBC caught his report going to CBS by shortwave) and H.V. Kaltenborn in New York. (28:43)
11-FAMILY OF FIVE_1941-12-07:
5:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. Comedy show about the Nichols family and Mrs. Nichols delving into antique selling. This program had no bulletins or interruptions. (28:51)
12-CATHOLIC HOUR_1941-12-07:
6:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. A news bulletin precedes this program featuring the Reverend James Gillis giving an address called "Politics In Religion, Religion In Politics". Then at the end of the program are more late bulletins. (29:11)
13-NEW FRIENDS OF MUSIC_1941-12-07:
6:00 p.m./NBC Blue Network. A news bulletin before the program starts and then a live report from Bert Silan in Manila. Then from the Town Hall in New York music is featured by the Gordon String Quartet. During the program there is a break for more news and it concludes with an organ solo by NBC staff organist George Crook. (28:31)
6:30 p.m./NBC Blue Network. Pearson and Allen get the award for the most intelligent analysis of the day, and their predictions at the end of the broadcast all came true before the week was out. (14:54)
6:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. Gildersleeve agrees to take care of his little cousin while her mother, an author, and goes on a promotion trip for her new book. The cousin, who initially appeared to be a sweet little girl, turns out to be a holy terror. The program is interrupted five times for bulletins, and ends abruptly in the middle of the closing commercial. (28:09)
16-ELEANOR ROOSEVELT_1941-12-07:
6:45 p.m./NBC Blue Network. The first lady gives her impressions on the day's events and then interviews Corporal James Cannon from Fort Dix. Drew Pearson hung around after his show finished to ask Mrs. Roosevelt some questions at the end of the program. No interruptions or bulletins. (14:39)
17-JACK BENNY_1941-12-07:
7:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. Jack finds that only Dennis thought his performance, as Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde on the last week's program was great. The show is interrupted twice for news bulletins. (29:36)
18-NEWS ROUNDUP_1941-12-07:
7:00 p.m./NBC Blue Network. NBC's weekly Sunday night news program features reports by Mary Brock in Ankara, Turkey, Grant Parr from Cairo, Fred Bates from London, H.R. Baukhage from Washington, Bert Silan from Manila and Upton Close in San Francisco. This show has a nasty hiss throughout most of it. (29:37)
19-FITCH BANDWAGON_1941-12-07:
7:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. M.C. Tobey Reed welcomes the guest band of Horace Heidt for this week's show. The program is interrupted twice for news bulletins. (29:15)
7:30 p.m./NBC Blue Network. Military comedy set in a Marine camp starring Victor McLaglen as a captain who is inadvertently hypnotized. For some reason during this program the NBC engineer kept switching over to the Red Network side while the Fitch Bandwagon was going on. There are two news bulletin interruptions. (29:28)
8:00 p.m./Station unknown. Mayor of New York LaGuardia spoke locally to the citizens of the city keeping them updated on what the city was doing in the face of the emergency. This is only an excerpt. (8:37)
22-CHARLIE McCARTHY_1941-12-07:
8:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. With Abbot & Costello and guest Judy Garland. From Fort Ord in California. Charlie and Judy open a Christmas shopping and gift wrapping service. There is one news interruption. (29:34)
23-BIBLE WEEK 1941-12-07:
8:00 p.m./NBC Blue Network. Eddie Dowling is the host of this program of prayer and religious song, which features a scripture reading by actor Walter Pidgeon. The show is interrupted twice for bulletins. (28:44)
24-INNER SANCTUM_1941-12-07_Island Of Death:
8:30 p.m./NBC Blue Network. You have to love whoever's idea it was for good programming to have Inner Sanctum follow Bible Week on the Blue network's Sunday schedule <g>. On the island of Haiti a man runs into a voodoo practicing tribe of natives. The show is preceded by a bulletin. (29:45)
25-ONE MAN'S FAMILY_1941-12-07_B40C10:
8:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. Book 40, Chapter 10 is titled "A New Incident In The Matter Of Irene Franklin". Clifford becomes enraged at the treatment of his new girlfriend by Father Barbour. The show is preceded by a bulletin. (29:00)
9:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. Sunday evening program of music and song which takes an imaginary tour of the nightspots of New York. No interruptions or bulletins on this show. (28:45)
27-JERGENS JOURNAL_1941-12-07:
9:00 p.m./NBC Blue Network. Walter Winchell gives the news of the day that, of course, centers on the Japanese actions in the Pacific. The beginning of the program is missing. No interruptions or bulletins in this show. (13:44)
28-PARKER FAMILY_1941-12-07:
9:15 p.m./NBC Blue Network. Stars Leon Janney. Young Richard Parker has a new, sophisticated girlfriend named Crystal who is turning his head and making his family think he is changing for the worse. No interruptions or bulletins. (15:01)
9:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. Frank Martin and Vivian Villapieza present popular classical songs and music. This show is interrupted twice for bulletins. (29:18)
30-DEAR JOHN_1941-12-07_Book 6 Letter 65:
9:30 p.m./NBC Blue Network. Stars Irene Rich. Soap opera type program with a woman staying in a castle in Scotland and positively hating it. No interruptions or bulletins. (14:47)
31-DINAH SHORE_1941-12-07:
9:45 p.m./NBC Blue Network. A program of songs by Dinah and Paul LaVal and his orchestra. The show has one interruption for a bulletin. (14:43)
32-GOODWILL HOUR_1941-12-07:
10:00 p.m./NBC Blue Network. John J. Anthony talks with people in the studio who have various problems and are looking for help and advice. Disk spoilage sounds like it resulted in some cross groove noise at various places throughout the show. Makes for rather annoying listening. The show is interrupted twice for bulletins. (60:02)
33-HOUR OF CHARM_1941-12-07:
10:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. With Phil Spitalny and the All-Girl Orchestra. On this show the three finalists in a talent contest are announced, and the ensemble looks ahead to what they believe will be the popular songs of 1942. The program has one interruption for a bulletin. (29:46)
34-SHERLOCK HOLMES_1941-12-07_Mystery Of Mrs. Warren's Lodger:
10:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. With Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. Holmes tries to help a woman who has a mysterious lodger in her boarding house and ends up pitted against the biggest gang leader in New York. Interrupted once for a short bulletin. (29:18)
11:00 p.m./NBC Red Network. Featuring John W. Vandercook, Robert St. John, and H.R. Baukhage. (14:25)
11:15 p.m./NBC Red & Blue Networks. A speech is given by Lynn U. Sandborn who was National Commander of the American Legion called "The Legion Again Answers The Call", dealing with the Legion's stand in the crisis. The program is interrupted once for a bulletin. (14:19)
11:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. Ben Grauer moderates the round table of NBC reporters from all over the country including H.V. Kaltenborn, William Hillman and Max Jordan in New York, Ernest K. Lindsey, Morgan Beatty, Wilfred Fleischer and H.R. Baukhage in Washington, Edward Tomlinson in Chicago, and Upton Close in San Francisco. (28:25)
12:00 a.m./CBS Network. Headlines and stories that are going to be in the morning newspapers around the country are read, then some analysis by William L. Shirer and Elmer Davis. (27:46)
39-NEWS & MUSIC_1941-12-08:
2:00 a.m./NBC Red Network. Analyst William Hillman recaps the news of the day, and then Upton Close in San Francisco gives some west coast updates, then Bert Silan in Manila talks of the expectations of attack very soon. Then music filler is presented around more bulletins. The disc gets so bad that skips and crackle become pretty bad at the end. (25:42)
early a.m./CBS Network. Correspondent for CBS Ford Wilkins tells of the preparations of Manila for what they expect is an inevitable attack by Japan anytime. (8:37)
41-BREAKFAST CLUB_1941-12-08:
9:00 a.m./NBC Blue Network. News starts the program, and then into Don McNeil's morning show that for the most part ignores mention of the Japanese attacks. But a large portion of the show is pre-empted with news from London covering the speech of Winston Churchill in the British House of Commons. 3 total interruptions in this show. (59:42)
10:45 a.m./NBC Blue Network. The beginning of the program is pre-empted by reports from London of the British declaration of war against Japan. Then the music program comes in and is interrupted once more before it's close. (14:58)
43-MARY MARLIN_1941-12-08:
11:00 a.m./NBC Red Network. News begins the show, then the soap opera begins in which Mary tells of a meeting she had with a most unsavory man who is confined to a wheelchair. The program then has no further interruptions. (14:09)
44-FDR BEFORE CONGRESS_1941-12-08:
12:00 p.m./CBS Network. The entire session of Congress in which President Roosevelt asks for a declaration of war against Japan in the famous "Day Of Infamy" speech. Afterwards a bit of the speeches of the congressmen is presented until the networks are told they can no longer carry live pickups from the chamber floor. Then Albert Warner, Elmer Davis and Major George Fielding Elliot present analysis until the vote is over and tallied. (68:40)
45-AFTER FDR SPEECH_1941-12-08:
12:40 p.m./NBC Combined Networks. This is the portion of NBC's coverage immediately after the President's speech. It is a Hodge podge of newsbreaks by H.R. Baukhage and Morgan Beatty and regular NBC programming of orchestral and martial music. (32:38)
46-LET'S SING & SWING_1941-12-08:
1:15 p.m./NBC Blue Network. A swing music program with Herbie Miller & his Orchestra gets started and is quickly broken into to present H.R. Baukhage in Washington with news of the final vote on the declaration of war against Japan. Then off to New York for commentary by H.V. Kaltenborn before returning to the music just in time for the sign off. (14:26)
1:45 p.m./NBC Blue Network. The program starts off with a report from Bert Silan in Manila, Upton Close in San Francisco and then the latest bulletins from New York. (14:19)
2:00 p.m./NBC Blue Network. Vincent and his orchestra from the Grill Room of the Hotel Taft in New York City. The program is only interrupted once during the first 20 minutes then POW! The Japanese makes a switch to Bert Silan in Manila while they are in the midst of the first much anticipated attack. The next 20 or so minutes are description by Bert, Don Bell and Ted Wallace of NBC and Manila's station KCRH. (43:01)
49-JOHN W VANDERCOOK_1941-12-08:
6:45 p.m./NBC Red Network. Vandercook summarizes the day's declaration of war, then Earl Godwin in Washington, a report from London and Bert Silan in Manila. (13:19)
50-LUX RADIO THEATER_1941-12-08_The Doctor Takes A Wife:
9:00 p.m./CBS Network. Starring Melvyn Douglas and Virginia Bruce in the story of a university doctor and a famous author who fake being married to each other for reasons of their own mutual gain. John Daly interrupts the show once about half way through for a news update from New York. (59:17)
9:30 p.m./NBC Blue Network. This show took the place of regular Monday night NBC program "America We Sing". First off is a report by Bert Silan, Don Bell and Ted Wallace in Manila, then Upton Close in San Francisco, Earl Godwin in Washington, and late bulletins from New York. (29:20)
52-WORLD TODAY_1941-12-09:
CBS Network. John Daly in New York, Albert Warner in Washington, William Winter in San Francisco, John Raleigh in Batavia, Java and Robert Trout in London bring the latest news from around the world. (14:45)
53-FIBBER McGEE & MOLLY_1941-12-09:
9:30 p.m./NBC Red Network. The program begins with some late breaking war news, and then Fibber is offered a 40% merchandise discount at a local warehouse store. (29:05)
54-FDR FIRESIDE CHAT_1941-12-09:
10:00 p.m./Combined Networks. The President speaks about the recent attacks in the Pacific and what the U.S. can expect to happen in the upcoming war. (28:04)
7:45 a.m./WEEI, Boston. Local news program was recorded off the air by a home records. Presented are the lasts news of the war around the globe and a smattering of local Boston commercials. (16:17)
56-TEXACO STAR THEATER_1941-12-10:
9:00 p.m./CBS Network. Fred Allen welcomes his guest for the week Louella Parsons, and talks about the bad fog that has plagued New York that week. There is 5 minutes of war news at the end of the program by John Daly in the CBS New York newsroom. Volume drop off at the beginning is bad. (60:25)
12:00-1:00 p.m./CBS Network. Two separate parts of the hour are presented here with Albert Warner speaking of the impending vote on declaring war on Germany, and after the vote Eric Sevaraid tells how the vote went. (12:49)
58-MARCH OF TIME_1941-12-11:
The editors of Time magazine present the weekly recap of the important events of the week. (24:24) and this recap seems as good a place as any to stop.
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