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  • Model: OTR-1CD-HearItNow
  • 100 Units in Stock

OLD TIME RADIO - 1 CD-ROM - 25 mp3

Total Time: 23:39:56

Hear It Now, an American radio program on CBS, began in December 1950, ending in June 1951. It was hosted by Edward R. Murrow and produced by Murrow and Fred W. Friendly. It ran for one hour on Fridays at 9 pm Eastern Time.
One of the most popular and best selling records of 1948 was the Columbia Records album I Can Hear It Now 1933-1945. The record was a collaboration between Murrow and Friendly. The record interwove historical events with speeches and Murrow's narration and marked the beginning of one of the most famous pairings in journalism history. The huge success of the record (and two follow-up albums released in 1949 and 1950) prompted the pair to parlay it into a weekly radio show for CBS, called Hear It Now. Originally, the series was to have been titled Report to the Nation, and was identified as such when it was announced as the following week's replacement for Broadway Is My Beat at the end of its December 8, 1950 episode. Before its premiere, though, CBS retitled it Hear It Now to capitalize on the popularity of Murrow's albums.
The show had a "magazine" format. It sought to include a variety of sounds from current events such as an atom smasher at work or artillery fire from Korea. It was the artillery fire that produced one of the show's more poignant moments as it backdropped the words of American soldiers fighting the Korean War. The entire premise of the show was to include the "actual sound of history in the making," according to Murrow. Some of the show's audio was what Time Magazine called "fairly routine" in 1950. Such soundbites as Communist China's General Wu and Russia's Andrei Vishinsky along with U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Warren Austin were included among those routinely used. But Time also lauded the "vivid reality" created by the aforemention artillery clips, comments from wounded U.S. Marines or Carl Sandburg's recital of his The People, Yes.
The legwork involved in producing the program often exceeded the amount of programming culled from the reporting. For an hour and a half of interviews in Koto the duo was able to use 21 seconds of the material on the air. The program also shied away from the traditional use of string music common to many radio shows of the time period. Instead the show relied on composers such as David Diamond and Lehman Engel to produce its music.
Murrow anchored the show with news and editorial commentary but Hear It Now also featured regular oral columns and features.
Red Barber: covered sports
comic Abe Burrows: covered drama
Don Hollenbeck: covered the media
Bill Leonard: covered movies

The show wrapped up each week's broadcast with a four to ten minute "closeup." An example of the subject matter of the closeup was General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.
The rising importance of television compelled a reluctant Murrow, in 1951, to introduce a TV version of the radio show, called See It Now. With the inception of See It Now, Hear It Now ended its on-air run.




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Hear It Now 50-12-15 (01) Korean War Reports
Hear It Now 50-12-22 (02) Abe Burrows Interviews Santa Claus
Hear It Now 50-12-29 (03) More News From the Korean War front
Hear It Now 51-01-05 (04) The Fall of Seoul, Korea
Hear It Now 51-01-12 (05) Retreat in Korea
Hear It Now 51-01-19 (06) U.S. Navy Ships being Recommissioned (First Half of Program)
Hear It Now 51-01-26 (07) The Cost of a pound of Steak
Hear It Now 51-02-02 (08) Special Report on Detroit
Hear It Now 51-02-09 (09) A big train Wreck
Hear It Now 51-02-16 (10) Isolationist Debate in Washington
Hear It Now 51-02-23 (11) Truman names a Tank
Hear It Now 51-03-02 (12) Cold War News
Hear It Now 51-03-09 (13) A Biography of a Labor Union
Hear It Now 51-03-16 (14) The Kefauver Crime Hearings
Hear It Now 51-03-23 (15) Costello Crime Hearings
Hear It Now 51-03-30 (16) The Human Tick
Hear It Now 51-04-06 (17) Recording of a Parachute Jump
Hear It Now 51-04-13 (18) Truman fires MacAuthur
Hear It Now 51-04-20 (19) MacAuthur speaks before Congress
Hear It Now 51-04-27 (20) Communist Offensive in Korea
Hear It Now 51-05-04 (21) Reno and the Divorce Business
Hear It Now 51-05-11 (22) The MacAuthor-Truman Controversy
Hear It Now 51-05-18 (23) Crime Hearings
Hear It Now 51-05-25 (24) Guided Missile Recordings
Hear It Now 51-06-08 (26) Serge Kousevitsky dies

This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 11 August, 2012.

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